10 phrases you should know before landing in France
Every country we visit carries its special dose of special phrases to know, for fun interaction, or basic survival.
The following will only apply in France, not another francophone country.
1. Bonjour, s’il vous plait…je cherche la Tour Eiffel ?
(Hello, I am looking for the Eiffel Tower, please)
Politeness is usually well appreciated before asking a favor. Even in France!
2. Vous parlez anglais
(Do you speak English?)
It does helps to know whether two people could converse in the same language, right?
3. Pardon, ou est….
(Excuse me, where is…?)
Aren’t all tourists always looking for something? Just fill in the blank.
4. Combien ca coute?
(How much does it cost?)
You should always ask the price BEFORE buying to avoid embarrassing situations…
5. Non, merci. Je regarde pour l’instant
(No thank you, I’m just looking for now)
Since someone is always trying to sell you something…
6. Je voudrais un sandwich avec fromage et jambon, s’il vous plait.
(I would like a cheese and ham sandwich, please)
Of course you can eat other items, but since ‘ham’ and ‘cheese’ make ½ of the country’s food supply, I thought you should know.
7. Je cherche l’ambassade americaine
(I’m looking for the American Embassy)
You should have the address with you at all times to save you the headache of asking for an address nobody cares to know about!
8. Qu’ est-ce que tu regardes ?!?!
(What are you looking at?)
Staring seems to be a cultural thing, which not everyone enjoy, especially on the receiving end.
9. Merci, mais je n’ai pas besoin d’aide. J’attend mon mari.
(Thank you but I don’t need help. I’m waiting for my husband)
It’s not uncommon for French guys to offer their help, especially to a woman; and it could become annoying, so the ‘husband’ excuse could become handy. Unfortunately for guys, the opposite rarely happens. Sorry.
10. Voulez vous prendre deux verres avec moi?
(Would you like to have two drinks with me?)
If you’re in France and find yourself in this dramatic situation, you will likely have more than one drink.